12 definitions by mr electric is god

1. Sicko sex addict (50%)
2. Asshole douchebag (45%)
3. Someone like me who just likes putting weird stuff out there please don't judge (4%)
4. Someone who actually wants to help people (1%)
MOST urban dictionary users sucks, some are actually nice, and some, like me, are just weird.
by mr electric is god February 24, 2022
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Someone who just ate your butterfly collection, and has seven scented erasers up his butthole.
by mr electric is god February 24, 2022
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The opposite of Willem Dafreind. Dafoe just ate your butterfly collection, and has seven scented erasers in his butthole. Dafriend did not do that.
Bob: Willem Dafoe is so mean.
Jeff: Yeah, he's something of a scientist himself. Try his brother, Willem Dafreind.
Bob: Yay!
by mr electric is god February 23, 2022
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Congratulations! Your sheer boredom has convinced our lord and saviour Cthulhu to awaken from his slumber in the sunken city of R’lyeh! In times like these, I suggest you remember the Alamo. And don't forget, thy shall not covet thy neighbours ox.
Bob: How can I denouce Venice?
Jeff: It's super easy, barely an inconvenience, just type gfhdjskal\;'zpxocivubyntmr,e.w/q=-0987654321`.
Bob: Cool, here come the boat mormons
by mr electric is god February 18, 2022
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Congratulations. You are so bored you have typed so final keyboard combination needed to release our lord and savour Cthulhu from in slumber in sunken city of R’lyeh. Oh well, as long as you remember the Alamo, You'll be fine.

P.S. you thought you had discovered a new one, but you hadn't. BWAHAHAHAHA.
Bob: Hey, how do I alter the space-time continuum?
Jeff: It's super easy, barely an inconvience, just type gfhdjskal\;'zpxocivubyntmr,e.w/q=-0987654321`.
Bob: ph'nglui mglw'nafh cthulhu r'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
by mr electric is god February 17, 2022
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All it takes for the urban dictionary to become the dark web is for it to become complete anonymous, then all hell will break loose.
by mr electric is god February 24, 2022
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