1. A person who spends WAY too much time on Twitter, to the detriment of his or her job,life, girlfriend and/or mental health. A cell-phone Twitter texting maniac. 2. Someone who believes they are the center of the universe, despite abundant evidence to the contrary.
by Twitter or me November 19, 2010
a twittard is a person who is such a baby, that they need to go on Twitter, and cry about everything. These people cannot get any satisfaction for anything, and have to cry about it online, it's actually kinda sad
Peroson 1: hey, did you see that twittard call me a pedophile?
Person 2: yeah, i'm amazed they thought a 2 year age difference was that bad.
Person 2: yeah, i'm amazed they thought a 2 year age difference was that bad.
by LiquidAnt August 26, 2021
Dumbasses that say things similar to this: gUnS ArE BaD! eWw iS ThAt a gAs cAr?? oH My gOd! YoU DiDnT CaLl mE By mY NeOpRoNoUnS!! Im zIm/zEm nOt sHe/hEr!!! Im tElLiNg tHe cEo oF TwItTeR!
Person 1: "wHaT Do yOu mEaN YoU SuPpOrT GuNs?! tHeY KiLl pEoPlE!!! rEsPeCt mY NeOpRoNoUnS!!"
by Glue dude March 14, 2022
Mentally disabled retards from Twitter. They spend all their time on Twitter looking for problems in things that aren't problematic or problems in fiction while totally ignoring the actual real world issues as if they don't exist. They pretend as if they are allowed to speak for other people especially people that are of a difference race to them. They like to project their twisted mentalities onto other people as if everyone's the same as them and ignore everyone who calls them out. They hate men and like to virtue signal at everyone and everything. They practice cancel culture and are the ultimate form of culture. They also have zero sense of humor. There's very little difference between a twittard and a SJW.
Those twittards are at it again, canceling stuff.
Oh no, which fictional character are those twittards canceling again.
Oh no, which fictional character are those twittards canceling again.
by PomuHub September 7, 2021
by soyvester March 31, 2009
Someone probably overweight using Twitter 24/7 on their computer in their mother's basement who screams "discrimination!!11!" when someone makes a joke that involves minorities mo matter the context.
by Leader of the Flandrelings May 15, 2022
A term coined on the blog www.MotivatedMonkey.com.
It depicts individuals who are technologically inept or slow. People who are behind the times with the new gadgets, websites, widgets or online fads.
It depicts individuals who are technologically inept or slow. People who are behind the times with the new gadgets, websites, widgets or online fads.
Guy 1: Dude, Vince just signed up for a Twitter account yesterday. He's like a year and a half behind the evolution cycle.
Guy 2: Yeah, he's a twittard.
Guy 2: Yeah, he's a twittard.
by MotivatedMonkey.com April 1, 2009