2 definitions by Glue dude

Dumbasses that say things similar to this: gUnS ArE BaD! eWw iS ThAt a gAs cAr?? oH My gOd! YoU DiDnT CaLl mE By mY NeOpRoNoUnS!! Im zIm/zEm nOt sHe/hEr!!! Im tElLiNg tHe cEo oF TwItTeR!
Person 1: "wHaT Do yOu mEaN YoU SuPpOrT GuNs?! tHeY KiLl pEoPlE!!! rEsPeCt mY NeOpRoNoUnS!!"
by Glue dude March 14, 2022
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Any kid born between 2000-2009's childhood. (mine included.) they posted funny (primarily) Garry's Mod videos with their 4 siblings, unfortunately, breaking up into separate ways. VenturianTale hasn't uploaded a video as of now. they also played games such as Roblox, Minecraft, and Phasmaphobia, but they weren't as common as the beloved Garry's Mod.
person 1: "yo bro, do you remember VenturianTale?"
person 2: "Oh yeah, I used to watch them all the time!"
person 1: "Same! but, why did you stop watching them?"
person 2: "Well, I didn't want to stop watching them, honest to god I enjoyed their videos. its just, I grew older, and my interests changed. I forgot who they were for around 4 years. the YouTube algorithm has changed, i just stopped getting recommended their videos in mid 2015."
person 1: "Ah man, that's tough, well do you watch them now?"
person 2: "Yes, well I did until the stopped uploading videos. I don't know when they will upload them again, but I hope it's going to be soon."
person 1: "Damn bro, that sucks."
person 2: "You're mom sucks too..."
person 1: "Fuck you."
by Glue dude March 14, 2022
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