Man 1: what are you doing
Man 2: just taking my noose out for a walk
by Meow1273 February 21, 2019
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this is a handy tool for when ur feeling down or if the kids were getting of your nerves
the kids are getting annoying let’s noose them
by iwanttodiepleaseeeee March 27, 2020
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a permanent escape from living and its realities
i'm sick and tired of this shit, im tying that damn noose, adios suckers.
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Something used to finally kill yourslef after being told to kys by one of the friendly lolitsalex fanboys on the internet! You can buy a noose at the store!
Go and hang yourself with a noose, you child molester.
by boatglitch April 4, 2018
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its what u hang urself with
i hung mysself with a noose.
by That Better Meme March 9, 2018
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someone who makes you feel like you want to commit suicide every time they speak, conjuring the image of them being the noose tied around your head as you are about to hang yourself
wow jacob is being such a noose today
by darsenbrindel January 25, 2011
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another term for your asshole; often mixed up with the item used to hang yourself
I have to shit so bad my a noose is about to explode.
by hold up and hold my johnny February 7, 2018
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