When people eat a bunch of ecstasy .
You going to wig tonite? u guys all wiggin?
by Wigballs January 1, 2010
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A generally smart, funny, brown haired person who is fantastic at some sports, but not for others. This is the kind of guy/girl that you want to stay friends with because of their definite fame in future years. This person likes to sing in the shower and is really more of a cat person than any other pet. Also, Wiggins tend to be more visual learners in their early years, then develop more hands on skills later in life.
Dude: Damn that guy over there, he's so ugly and stupid.

Girl: Well I don't know where you have been all year, but that's a Wiggins over there and he's as smart and funny as any of us.
by DaWigg February 23, 2016
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1. a term used to describe the uncontrollable movements of your eyes while on ecstasy
2. a term used as a synonym to rolling, meaning that you are on ecstasy
"My eyes are wiggin so hard I see four of you."
"These are good pills, I'm wiggin balls."
by Wignuts June 16, 2008
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Term used to describe current state of mind and body.Usually cause by a mind altering drug of some kind.
Dude i think tommy is wiggin out over there.

I ate 2 hits of acid last nite a started wiggin out over this picture of a fat man.
by Eckstahsee December 19, 2003
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Wack, weak or lame. Anything negative. Originated from wiggidy wack. Also Big Blacks hometown.
Let's leave this party, its straight wiggins.

This job sucks. I feel like I'm working in wiggins world.

Which one of you guys twisted this twiddle stick, it's straight wiggins.
by Twiddler7 June 19, 2011
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NOT A SPORTSMAN!!! He is gay (take that Dinasaur), is the twink God, has a cult, is the best character in Disney’s Pocahontas and is Ratcliffe’s servant.
I love you” said Wiggins! “So do I” smirked Ratcliffe.
by Sharkieofthemidworld September 30, 2022
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