A Polish person, comes from the Polish Death Metal band of the same name.
There was a load of vaders in town today. The place I was working was full of vaders.
by Cannonball Taffy O'Jones November 12, 2009
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A fart that is so stank that it causes choking action.
by Sykus January 28, 2011
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The act of breathing heavily into a microphone, cell phone etc., without realizing it. Breathing is often heard when the microphone is too close to one's nostrils.
Hey Dave? You're vadering REALLY badly, dude. I'll have to either turn down the volume, or you need to pull that mic out of your nose...
by Marie "Creek" January 14, 2010
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A tall dark figure played by David Prowse, the coolest sith ever.
Why do I suddenly feel like running an a field?
by Slough in a Shoe September 24, 2003
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A penis with a very large head, resembling Darth Vader's helmet.
"Sure your dick might be bigger, but I've got a Vader and you don't!"
by SteveBorga July 28, 2011
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Male parent of the offspring. Vadernal, the adjective can be used in any situation involving a Vader.
Luke, I am your Vader.

by The Snoops December 7, 2010
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Unknowingly breathing heavily (like Darth Vader) into the receiver during a conference call thus distracting or disturbing other callers.
Bob, is that you Vadering? I can't understand anything. Please mute!
by grp August 3, 2009
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