1. Most commonly referred to in the form of an uprising. Usually by the people who are doing the revolt, the high powers consider it a rebellion.

2. Also a full orbit around a planet (for satellites/moons) or star (for planets).

The origin is interesting: Copernicus published a book in 1543 (apparently it's title is contraversial) Called something to the effect of: "On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres". The Heavenly spheres is the part in question: some say it's Heavenly Orbs, celestial spheres, Heavenly bodies... but I went with the most common theory.

This book caused such an uprising, that the word revolution gained it's new and now common meeting.
1. Viva la revolution! (The revolution lives!)

2. It takes 365.24 days for the Earth to make a full revolution around the sun (according to the atomic clock), which is why our leap year adds another day every four years-- to make it reach 365.25. Because these numbers don't match exactly, our years are actually inaccurate, moreso as time goes on.
by ~The Nameless One~ June 5, 2005
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The inevitable outcome of the oppression of the worlds poor buy the rich few.
"I this age of knowledge
we learn all we can learn
the revolutions coming
the old order will burn"
(J. Wisbey from 'Songs For The New Nations'1995)
by black flag May 29, 2004
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A violent change in the dominant government of a country. Also a national sport in South America.
Castro came to power through a revolution.
by Small dog named karl April 25, 2003
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Using power or your voice to change a way of thinking or take any action either peacefully or not.
"Dude he totally participated in a revolution"
by don'th8db8 July 6, 2018
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If you want to start one read Abbie Hoffman books.
In order for a revolution to take palce you need guns, flowers and lots of LSD.
by MDMA February 9, 2005
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1. It won't be televised, that's for sure.

Oh--and it can quickly get violent.

Better put that ol' bomb shelter behind Fido's house to good use.

2. Prince's backing band during the mid-1980s.
"Revolution is fine, I guess...but all attempts to change humanity are feeble."
by I Hate Bhudda August 29, 2003
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one of the best beatles songs. ever. covered by the greatest rock band ever formed, Rishikesh.
"You say you want a revolution well you know we all wanna change the world"
by Rick May 28, 2005
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