The thumb is inserted in the vagina and the index and middle fingers are insterted into the anus, so that your hand resembles a pistol, or Luger.
We were fooling around and i shot her with the luger, she was loving it
by Bretthole March 19, 2005
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1. Someone who dons a helmet and colored body condom and slides down a slippery chute as fast as possible on a sled.

2. Someone who competes in the luge.
"What kind of athlete are you?"

"I am a luger."

"Yes, yes you are."
by onehandcrabbing April 5, 2013
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A Luger is someone who is in between a retard and a blonde girl. They are a complete klutz, and cant do anything right. Usually a Luger is really skinny and weak.
OMG he cant do anything right, he's such a Luger!

He can't even lift that chair, what a Luger!
by Weedy420 November 18, 2010
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orginating from the word luger - a name of a german pistol.

recently discovered slang word used when something is "clutch" or awesome.
oh man, i got out of taking that quiz today, that's so luger...
by Lord Byron April 4, 2005
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Suicide by way of a WW2 era German pistol would be preferrable to current/aforementioned conditions.
How was work?
It was Luger Time.
by Colin Lindgren November 10, 2003
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A washed-up, cocaine-fiending wrestler who can only stay out of jail long enough to get arrested while on a coke binge.
Person 1: Hey, did you hear Lex Luger is in jail again?
Person 2: Won't he die already?

Person 1: What the difference between Lex Luger and an illegal immigrant?
Person 2: What?
Person 1: An illegal immigrant can't come into the country, and Lex Luger can't leave the country because he has warrants.
by N.O. Treal December 27, 2005
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The act of lying about finding a prized/rare/expensive object in a cheap piece of furniture/happenstance occurance.

Phrase comes from the popular "I bought a desk at a yard sale, and when I got home, there was a Luger in the drawer!"
Rick: "Hey, did you hear how Justin found thirty bucks in that old book he bought?"

Tom: "You just got Desk Lugered, pal. There was no money."

Rick: "Awww......"
by Tinman762 October 8, 2011
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