Someone who is absolute dog shit at any video games, more specifically FPS games. A person who is a bot never hits a single fucking shot on their target and always dies every round. 100 percent of all games played, your teammates are bots but not you.
by yogurt is alright January 4, 2021
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Shitty at everything. The same skill level as a bot in a video game
Nick sachetta is a bot. Kid is garbage at everything.
by BitchboyTamburri July 28, 2019
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A program that runs autonomously, and which performs repetitive and/or remotely-controlled tasks, from very simple IRC commands to incredibly complex online game manipulation.

A program that behaves and interacts with other programs as if it were a user.

Short for 'robot', specifically a cyber-robot, almost exclusively used on the internet.
I set up a bot to keep spammers out of the e-group.
by Seraph March 18, 2004
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When someone acts like an npc
“Why are you acting so bot
by mete0ra March 1, 2022
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A term used by freshman boys who don't know what it means.
wow ur such a bot - madox
by ThEzreAlTeA November 24, 2018
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A Bot is someone who is absolutely trash at any game
James you're such a bot at fortnite GET OUT OF THE LOBBY
by DrownAFish May 9, 2019
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When someone always does something you would expect them to or always responds with the same expression or emoji.
1. predictable;
2. repetitive;
3. expected reaction
1. You are so bot with that emoji.
2. If you do that, you know what she'll do because she is so bot.
3. You're so bot when I ask if you want to come with us so I didn't ask.
by djkitteh June 12, 2018
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