cookie represents an object of desire. the state of crumbling represents that the object of desire is no longer attainable in its desired form, or that the object of desire has reached its culmination within a state of decline.
High school senior: "I wasn't accepted into my top choice university."
Father: "Sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles."

Boy: "My girlfriend and I finally broke up. We had been arguing for weeks."
Friend: "That's the way the cookie crumbles."
by Zach Herold November 23, 2006
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A phrase meaning, basically, "That's the way things are, you cannot change it". Usually said to calm someone who's whining overmuch, an usually with little effect.
Man 1: I went on vacation and my fern died!

Man 2: That's the way the cookie crumbles.
by Daniel Finetail May 26, 2004
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it can mean, "that's life" or "that's how it goes" at the end of a conversation about bad things.
"My dog died last night, and then I broke a nail."
"That's the way the cookie crumbles, honey!"
by Meg May 26, 2004
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one of the stupideszt sayings ever.
bob: omg i shit my pantz

John: lmao that's the way the cookie crumbles

bob: stfu fag.
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 19, 2006
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This is said when something bad has happened to someone - implying that it is was just bad luck.

Could also suggest that this bad luck had to happen to someone.
Tony: Oh gawd - I got paired with Micky D?
Matthew: That's the way the cookie crumbles!
by pdc May 26, 2004
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A stupid, irritating way of summing up the way of the world. Like saying "ho hum, shit happens."
"Oh no, that wasp just stung me and gave me an allergic reaction and now I only have 2 seconds to live"
"Well that's the way the cookie crumbles I'm afraid."
by Floyd the barber May 31, 2004
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From the movie 'Bruce Almighty' means that is they way it is, some things just happens, you roll your dice and pay your price ect.
Why does it always rain when I go to a baseball game?
That's the way the cookie crumbles
by Dean May 30, 2004
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