Politically incorrect way to say its interlocutor who does not agree sincerely to its considerations and waits that it reviews its position.
1- Your boss ask for you, only you, to make overtime in the day of the end of the soccer championship. Its reply it is: Suck my balls!!
2- You arrive in tired house of the work and find its brother-in-law taking the last beer of the refrigerator. It turns itself toward you and asks: What I go to drink now? Reply...Suck my balls!!
by Leonam October 24, 2008
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The person who says this phrase is in-fact gay and has zero (0) friends.
Katie says “Suck my balls
Katie is in-fact gay
by Smart Man46362 May 17, 2022
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Now take a step back let me freeze yours off.
Have a carbonite bath, for your goose-steppin' ass.
Call my homeboy in Israel, see who got the last laugh. - ERB idk some time ago
Person 1: "Hey bro, I got 78% on my maths tes-"
(Based) Person 2: "Suck my robot balls"
by TheGamingPop November 10, 2022
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1. Meaning to suck or orally have sex with ones' sack that holds the male orgy (testis).

2. Also used to intimidate somebody like in a video game.
1. After Jessica sucked my ball sack, my balls became huge after her warm mouth were on them last night.

2. Suck my ball sack, fagget! You modded your controller!
by I AM BLACKY JESUS NIGGA February 6, 2009
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The sentence is often used as the argument which cannot fail, or to discriminate nubs, and as shitload of Lol's is often but at the end of the sentence sequence.
Person1: "OMFG! nub I cen bet u in a duelz!"
Person2: "Lulz"
***Person 2 wins the duel***
Person2: "Suck my juicy balls! lololololololololololo"
by MELEAZT November 12, 2009
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suck my balls and make me cum is what I tell my fellow cadet roomie to do when he gives me a blowjob.
I told Christian to suck my balls and make me cum when he gave me a blowjob earlier.
by USAF Cadet October 11, 2020
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