the steek is a rare breed populating mainly in Belfast. These steeks are firm "m8s like da fok" with the spides. they enjoy nothing more than 2 go around thinking they are "ard like da fok" and terrorising the local population. They wear sprots attaire and drink cheap cider such as magners, bulmers or they are increasingly moving towards "Silver WKD LIKE DA FOK MATE" they are rarely seen to drink beer as this is seen as being a "wanker"

All steeks shoul be burnt alive then their smoking carcuses should be urinated on...

And teh worst of it is these steeks spides live off the tax payers money so indirectly the common had working citizen is funding these bastards wkd fueled riots!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddie Ginn and his cap crew.
Four Winds Bastards Ryan Scully and his wanker mates.
Castlereagh Road inhabitants in general.
And any other Council estates such as killynure.
by spide hater March 21, 2005
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to sneak out and get crunked
steeking is another form
Are you going to sneek and head over to the party.

Im steeking over at around 2 o'clock
by John T. Smith December 1, 2007
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A common pronunciation of the word "Steak" used mainly in New Zealand and in parts of Australia.
"I don't know whether I should have the chicken or the steek tonight"
by Walter B. Joggins July 17, 2013
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A overweight girl that wears short shorts so that her fat hangs out for all to see.
Frank, at gym today did you see Casey, ewwww she was such a steek.
by Jake Harris January 15, 2007
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A fat chick that wears short shorts so her fat hangs out.
Holy crap that girl is such a steek, look at that, awwwwww!
by Jake Harris January 12, 2007
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1. to smoke weed and get stoned

2. a person who smokes weed or is currently stoned

3. steeked, a state achieved by getting very stoned
1. Donnor: "Yo can I steek with this chick before we watch a movie?"
Phill: "Let's do it"

2. The Pizza Palace was stormed by three blind steeks upon their sight of the potato, bacon, scallion pizza.

3. Let's get steeked and drunk.
by grizzlypeso January 29, 2017
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