Can mean a type of crack pipe, looks kinda like a small orb of glass w/ a short stem and a bowl on top of it.
Spaceships beat the hell outta chasin' the dragon.
by mike March 20, 2004
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When two guys work together to finger a female.

Often uses the index finger of both men, locked together in a sacred bond of brotherhood.
"Hey Jim, I totally spaceshipped that girl with Todd the other day!"

"No way man, you and Todd are like closer then brothers now!"
by Moist Muffin November 22, 2009
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Penis. Named for the similarity in shape with a spaceship.
"she ride my spaceship till she hit the top...that hit the spot" - Lollipop remix, Lil' Wayne/Kanye West
by TheRealLurker July 11, 2008
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A relationship only existant on Myspace.
dude susy sunshine is so hot she has all the right angles, but I don't think we'll ever have more than a spaceship
by Melllllllllll February 5, 2007
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A group of three or more people sat in a circle who all but one person have a lit joint.
after each intake everyone passes the joint to the left hand side so with every rotation there there is a 'bust light' orbiting the circle appearing as a spinning spaceship.
Giraffe: "Hey man! did you see that UFO in the park the other night?
Phoenix: Nah man, that was just a group of stoners spaceshipping!
by PolarBearLovingPhoenix February 11, 2010
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When your getting the spins and the whole room seems to be spinning so fast it feels like your taking off into outer space
Last weekend i was in a spaceship all the way to mars
by BH46 April 26, 2010
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A game played by getting high on a hallucinogenic drug, like acid, and laying down to look up at the sky.
Steves not hurt, hes just playing spaceship
by snarping turtle April 23, 2011
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