Low German for - SMOKE - Slang word for a cigarette or the act of smoking a cigarette. Common in low german speaking areas like Paraguay, Steinbach, Winkler, ALtona, Grunthal, & Morden Manitoba.
Hey, lets got for a smake once!
by Bomb Bender May 13, 2009
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I think he left the building befor handing in his keys. DAMN HE'S a Smake
by Office retard March 10, 2003
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what i do when i smack cade in the face
J.T.-I'm going to smake him
by Jim Bain October 17, 2003
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to fake emotion

or to play dirty
you need to smake happy so you can work today.

dude i smaked my girlfriend last night

by midnight pee stain February 24, 2009
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A person who tends to be prone to a gay disposition.
Jesse never made any dials at his telemarketing job. I swear that guy is a smake.
by Charisse March 13, 2003
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(noun): a group of students ranked top tier of their school academically and socially

- can be commonly referred to as "david's wang" or "tiger is my daddy"
Damn bitch. Have you heard of Aromatic Smake? It's only the group chat with the hottest fucking people in it. Those who may or may not have been accepted to University of California: Berkeley.
by b r u h h h h h h h h h April 6, 2017
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