typical del val whore, loves to banged and get double teamed. Next Stage is a slam boar.
Ex. Dan Schor fucked a Slampig last weekend.
by Neezy Baby January 20, 2009
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There are 4 Principles to being a SlamPig – In order of importance to the definition

1. Overweight to the point of having Fat Roll’s (plural)
2. Easy (slut) to the point of selling herself for cheap goods, or free just because no one will trade anything
3. Having the reputation of No One admitting to, but everyone knowing who slept with them
4. Being used and discarded as easily as a mans Jizz Rag, Get what you want and leave it where it was used on the floor where it belongs
EX. a Slampig agrees to give oral for a 20 bag of weed, after the transactions takes place she asks for her payment for keeping her end of the agreement. She is told to fuck off, and then gets pissed and attacks, and the so called male at this point maces her in the face and leaves her on the ground screaming while a group of “friends” laugh at her in great enjoyment.
by Tonka Love March 21, 2006
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A fat whore who could be half way decent looking, if she didn't get porked by every man in sight.

A prostitute who is morbidly obiece, but a man will still be willing to pay 50 bucks for a job from her extra padded extremities.

The fattest and ugliest girl who hangs out in a group of girls at least 4 in number, and has to have boat loads of sex to feel adequate.

The last resort for a horny male at a frat party.
Dude Britney Spears is the such a slampig, maybe if she didn't get romped by every guy she would be do-able.

Man 1: Did you hear BONO paid 75$ to get a hand-job from the fat prostitute?
Man 2: No way did he slam her pig?
Man 1: Ya dude she was a dirty rotten slampig.

Guy 1: Hey man you see that group of girls over there?
Guy 2: The one with the ugly ass fat chick?
Guy 1: Yea she is a slampig in a group of babes.

Dude 1: Dude we were so drunk last night, I can't believe Shawn setteled for that fat bitch.
Dude 2: Ya im pretty sure she was 100% slampig, quite even possible that she was born one.
by tomatobrownclown123 January 9, 2010
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A girl that has hooked up with three or more of your close friends.
That slampig has already hooked up with John and Ryan, and now she's with Chris, too!
by Douglas B. June 3, 2005
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a girl aching and begging for a buttslamming.....and you can hear her oinking
The slut in the corner wearing her birthday suit and licking her lips is a slampig.
by Frank Grissom March 12, 2005
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1 part goldschlagger, 1 part Kahlua, 1 part Baileys, 1 part peppermint schnapps.

Pays tribute to a true Slampig. This drink tastes great when you're drunk, but you always regret it in the morning.
Me: I've had a rough week. This weekend, we should take some slampigs.

by Oscar Bones August 20, 2010
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slut girl who screws alot
that girl is a slampig
by jules January 2, 2003
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