mellow, simple, a little sheepish, a little meek, but at the same time, cool, calm, collected & insightful

the shmeek saxaphonist played his music into the night, without a care in the whole world
by The_Wise_Man January 14, 2007
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Verb. The act of expelling any bodily fluid/waste and then smearing the contents onto nearby surfaces.
Gary shmeeked all over Rich's couch one night when he was wasted.

Richard shmeeks off in school.
by DuganNugan July 2, 2010
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To take something unknowingly from the owner, often times from right under the former owners nose.
While the bartender looked away, I managed to shmeek a bottle of Hennessey from behind the counter
by Bender"Bending"Rodriguez July 7, 2009
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A person who believes they're cool and enjoys expressing their coolness, either verbally or physically, to those around them even though they're clearly not cool; or don't in any way match the persona they've created for themselves.
That guy is a Shmeek.
by Joel Mckay May 26, 2006
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An N-joy vaping product.
Efrain-You wanna hit my N-joy.

Jonah-Yes I would love hit ur shmeek
by Hayden Herrera January 29, 2020
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It means your a cunt in general:)
Your a shmeek
by Lozza2068 September 6, 2020
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the natural process of goop; alternative to ball cheese, including taint film.
Bro, she went down on me and offered to clean up my shmeek.

Dude, do you ever just shmeek after a workout?
by supremeandre November 5, 2021
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