when things are shitty and fucked up
Our government is shit fucked!
by acseg April 19, 2010
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A phrase someone says when an event happens that isn't so serious but still pisses them off.
Man: *phone slides out of pocket and lands on kitchen floor* "Ah, Shit fuck!"

*phone was okay*
by Daddy Dustin November 5, 2019
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Shit-fuck: to do something really shitty to one of your friends that no one else in your group would do in that specific situation. Especially applicable to video games, specifically, Mario Kart.
1. Dude! I can't believe you just shit fucked me with three red shells in a row! You totally shit-fucked me!

2. B-White, you are such a shit-fucker!
by bwhitesux February 13, 2009
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a good phrase to call someone when u cant think of anything clever
A. ur a little cunt faggot u bitch!
B. Yea well ur a little shit fuck
by TheDonRoberts June 15, 2009
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n. Someone who is a real piece of work. A jerk, asshole, jewbag or just someone fucking annoying.
by Lord L June 2, 2006
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Dude did you see that accident out on 95? The highway was completely shit-fucked.
by jesusjustpostalready February 26, 2009
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copulation, usually between two males, involving the presence of feces in one or both partner's butts. a form of scat play.
I shit fucked that dude last night and got his crap all over me.
by dumpwatcher February 3, 2010
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