the finest of all
shante is the one of the group.
by tay April 29, 2003
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A beautiful, sweet, smart, funny girl. She has many talents and is an over powering sight! Even tough she's super chill, she is SUPER dramatic and sometimes cannot take a joke. When you get closer to her and she trusts you she will spill out EVERYTHING she will tell you all about those stupid friends and how she quite enjoys making drama. When you get this far into a friendship with her you are very lucky, her family is the nicest family around!

When Shante likes a guy/girl she will be very flirty with her/him, but when she just talks to other girls/guys that she doesn't even like they think she likes them because of her flirtatious humor. Also the boys she likes never really like her back.
"Man, Shante is so annoying!" yelled Greg.
"Nah, dude she's flirting, I think she likes you!"Explained Jeff.
"Oh, yah she is so funny and cute!"rethinks Greg.
Shante listens... "But I like you, Jeff" She whispers under her breath.
by ICINGTACO April 2, 2016
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a pair of pants(usually skinny jeans) cut around the knees to make into shorts
by LOL king 62 January 24, 2010
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Origin: Germanic
1. From the abbreviation "To shit your pants.
2. To blunder or err.

1. One who blunders or errs.
2. One who has shit their pants
also: shantsy, shantser

1. Describing a person who continuously blunders or errs a situation.

2. One who shantses a situation
1. Dude, that girl just shantsed in our basement!
2. You are totally shantsing this situation.

1. Yo, the girl just put her shants in your sink, bro.
2. Are we humans? Or are we shantsers?

1. The shantsing party was not fun at all.
2. That shants girl smells like shit now.
by The Shantser February 9, 2010
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To short for pants, to long for shorts. Shants
Garrett wears shants cause is family is to poor to buy pants.
by Gary June 7, 2003
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pants that are too short to be pants, but too long to be shorts.
"He's the only guy I know who can work shants."
by no nameee October 11, 2005
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A name given to (fat) goats. These kind of goats usually eat large amounts of grass. You should never milk one because they drink big amounts of (piss).
by Aytss January 24, 2020
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