when one does not urinate after sexual intercourse until hours later when the remaining "left-over" semen dries up in the urethra, creating the pee to spray in many directions...also known as the "laser light show"
by Anonymous November 18, 2002
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A person from the Phillipine Islands. A Flip.
Florencio is one cool salt water Mexican. He doesn't giggle like a monkey.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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A sex move often used by GILFs where one sips saline solution from a denture cup with the intention to spit it into another's urethra.
by Big M (Regrettably) September 8, 2022
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A sexual(?) escapade where one deficates into a container, ejaculates on it and then he and/or his partner eats it. Like 2 girls 1 cup but the shit is covered in jizz.
Man the only thing that would have made 2 girls 1 cup hotter would be if they used Salt Water Taffy!
by Super_Nick_ May 27, 2009
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A pussy that taste like salt water.(meaning)SALTY AS FUCK
What girls?
by SHADE FOR FRIENDS February 5, 2018
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The act of ejaculating onto your partner whilst they are bathing in a tub
Hey babe, I'm sitting in the tub, can you salt the water for me?
by Tyulalapxnns July 27, 2019
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