Post sleeping stress best cure for it is a blowjob
by God-V March 14, 2021
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Post Shower Shit, the act of taking a shit directly after coming out of the shower.
Dude as soon as I got out of the shower I had to PSS.
by Mr.Impeccable January 26, 2012
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Potential School Shooter

A PSS is someone that is likely to shoot up a campus, often quick-tempered, social inept, and victims of bullying. Typically no sexual history.
Yo Billy keeps mumbling to himself about guns and told Mike to not come to school Friday, boy is for sure a PSS.
by YardiKnow March 20, 2018
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That feeling once you've left the bathroom after dropping a deuce, that you have some unfinished business. You feel like you still have to shit, you can't walk, and you can't poop any further.
"Hey Johnny, Why the long face?"

"I am suffering from post shit syndrom (pss)."
by carpster April 28, 2006
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PSS is an unfortunate and humiliating syndrome. It occurs when a skinny person becomes fat - and has yet to realize it. Although their physical appearance has changed drastically - this person still exhibits skinny people behaviour.This behaviour includes sitting on laps, bouncing around and wearing tight, revealing clothing.
"Wow Laura totally has Phantom Skinny Syndrome (PSS)She's crushing that poor guy's lap - and that's the same shirt she used to wear when she was 6 sizes smaller...
by FoxyJ April 30, 2009
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The Good mood your in after crazy sex, and you don't realize that your annoying others because you wont stfu.
Dude did he just get laid he is obnoxious and loud he must have Post sex syndrome (PSS)
by razors suck May 4, 2011
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Schrodinger: open your mouth
Darling : 😛
Schrodinger : pss
Darling : delicious
by Leee hwak December 15, 2020
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