Pants Shitting Hysterics
Looks like Mayor Bloomberg's going all PSH over Big Gulp soft drinks. Oh, the horror!
by jdmac44 September 21, 2012
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A word used by only the awesomest people. Can mean a variety of things.
1) Person: Are you gonna finish that?
Me: psh!
2) You're looking really sexy today. psh!
by Penguin Chik July 14, 2008
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Psh is a lovely lad who makes some top quality items. He is a master in his craft, making it look easy to others. However, due to how much he can pump out, he is looked down upon.
Jason: WOW! You're just like Psh, you're amazing!

Marcus: Awesome, loving it man, you're definitely near Psh level!
by TheGariest October 27, 2018
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A word one uses when they have nothing else to say. It's also used in replacement of different words to make it sound more interesting. Commonly used to replace swear words, making a conversation more entertaining.
some1:ur such a pendejo!

person:psh u!!!
bob: u need alot of pshing help u pshing son of a psh!

ray:u've gone over the psh limit gurl!
by blahblahness January 8, 2007
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the noise a cymbal makes when you slap your dick on it, similar to what you do when playing the drums.
"what else in the teaches of peaches"
"like sex on the beaches"
"huh, what?"
"psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh."
by m. romain October 26, 2007
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Its a noise somebody makes when they get very stressed out.
And cant do something.
by shannon gore September 22, 2007
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when someone does a good job at something, after hes done some audience members will say Psh psh psh...

a way to say good job
public speaker: the end
Audience: psh psh good job psh psh... (psh's gradually fade out)
by CokeClassic January 7, 2010
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