When you make money in the gaming profession, you are considered a pro gamer. Most pro gamers are usually experts at what they do, and unlike the Epic Gamer title, being a pro gamer does not limit the games you play (epic gamers usually play Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, or Apex Legends.

Some exampless of pro gamers are Youtube gamers (i.e. Markiplier, Pewdiepie, or Ninja), Twitch streamers, or competitive gamers.
Guy: Did you see? Markipliers net woth is, like, several million dollars!
Other guy: Well, what do you expect? He's a pro gamer.
by The_Random_Dicthead April 23, 2019
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An unexpected action that you would never expect that yields an above average positive result. the term originates from glitches video game speed runners who use glitches to outmaneuver obstacles where as people find "real life glitches" to outmaneuver real life problems.
Dude 1:"Did you hear about the judge that got 30 years when the defendant said: No u"

Dude 2:"What a pro gamer move"
by thelegend127 July 25, 2019
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Hey Chad, can I use your PS4? I'm gonna do what's called a Pro Gamer Move.
by MeEeEeN July 25, 2019
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A gamer who has achieved excellence a game.
One who owns all.
One who is 1337 or leet
An example of pro gamer is someone in the CPL
by Acidic_Content May 31, 2005
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The term uses the media's depiction of a gamer as a form of dark comedy. Using an unwanted situation or event and have it use for something a gamer has experinced in their play session before
Gf takes my ps4

*Beats GF*
Pro gamer moves had to be used at these situations.
by Jerryboiz March 27, 2020
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This is a term for people who have absolutely no life and sit in their mothers basement every day and play video games while eating potato chips, they gain more weight every match and they stench is absolutely nasty.
Bro look at Bobby he is such an Epic Pro Gamer.
by George Malcomfist January 26, 2023
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this is something that a gamer does when they want to do something very cool to impress their friends,impress the person that they like or just trying to act cool
"i am going to do something called a pro gamer move"
by AnythingMore October 22, 2019
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