Pixi is a cheerful, weird, but a little sad on the inside girl. While a little neurotic and hot headed, she is funny and a good (if not annoying) friend! She loves to talk and is also a cat lover. A slightly chubby girl, she loves caticorns drawing, and all thing fluffy! She has big dreams and her favorite pastime is playing videogames with her friends.
Pixi is the best! She's a total derp.
by ChubbyCaticorn November 29, 2016
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what makes the toaster work
we have angered the toaster pixies! we must seek redemption!
by la scrub August 7, 2003
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1. A small, magical humanoid creature, similar to a faerie (fairie or fairy); unlike faeries, they are usually not winged; in mythology and fairytales pixies use their magic to play tricks on or otherwise harass people, esp. by sabatoging machines or other technology

2. A short or young girl with puerile features prone to taunting flirtation or mischievous behavior

3. pixie cut: a short, 'boyish' women's haircut characterized by it staggered length (short bangs that lengthen to below the ears as the hairline approaches, shorter across the ears, and longer across the neck) and texturized style esp. by notching
1. Man 1: My printing press broke down overnight for the second time this week!
Man 2: It must be pixies!


"After dropping acid, I was accosted by a swarm of mischievous pixies!"

2. "Dude, your younger sister is quite the little pixie."

3. Grandfather: Are you trying to look like a little boy?
Granddaughter: No, grandpa, this is a very stylish pixie cut.
by Johann7 December 17, 2006
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Greatest band in the fucking world. Frank Blank fucks all your Nu-metal shit in the ass!
Hey look at that, its Frank Blank fucking all of Linkin Park. At once. Man he sure rocks.
by missilepenguin July 7, 2004
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The god of all bands, the beginning and end of truly great music.
"Gouge away, you can gouge a-way, stay all day, if you want to."
by Stiggy February 15, 2004
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a pixie is a small mischivous creature, usually a female...
this female will often tease the boys with her fantastic looks and charm
pete: tina was such a pixie last night!
colin: what do you mean?
pete: ahh she was teasing me so much!
colin: ah man... how do you feel?
pete: devvo'd
by mooey January 1, 2008
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"Some say it's their worst album, but 'Trompe le Monde' is a totally underrated Pixies album."
by spiritualdishwasher November 5, 2003
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