The number of tickets the marvel movie, Morbius sold, this is equal to 100, meaning if it sold 100 tickets=1 morbillion. This shows that Morbius has sold the most morbillion tickets of all time.
Alan:Hey man did you see that Morbius sold over 100 morbillion tickets!
Dave:Bro I did see that, I started calling it peakius instead of Morbius.
Random Bystander:What the hell are they talking about.
by Cartizzle April 26, 2022
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my a** is juicy
Guy 1: Your mom
Guy 2: I slept with your mom a morbillion times
by morbillion June 10, 2023
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1. An amount equal or superior to one trillion.
2. An amount equal or superior to the box office earnings or movie tickets sold for the motion picture Morbius.
"This movie will be the first to sell a morbillion tickets"

"I'll sell this car for a morbillion dollars"
by omar2203 April 25, 2022
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Amount of money that the best movie in the world made
Did you hear morbius is the first movie to make a morbillion dollars
by Chris5920 May 23, 2022
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The quantity of money the movie Morbius (2022) grossed. There is no larger quantity of money.
Epic Gamer 1: Dude, how much money did you make?
Epic Gamer 2: 2 Morbillion!
Epic gamer 1: Dumbass, you can't make more than one Morbillion dollars.
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A numerical figure so great that it transcends human comprehension.

The term was coined when the movie "Morbius", unanimously regarded as one of the movies released in the 21st century, surpassed a trillion in ticket sales in its opening weekend before exponentially rising into the realms of inconceivability.
Person 1: "Yo bro, did you hear that Morbius sold a morbillion tickets?"

Person 2: "No cap bro?"

Person 1: "No cap bro, it's Morbin' time"
by TheGreatIncognitus July 5, 2022
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1 morbillion is exactly 10^131518292119, because if you take all the numbers in the exponent and spread them out (13 15 18 2 9 21 19) it spells MORBIUS.
~year 2045~
guy 1: omg did you hear that elon musk is now a morbillionaire?
guy 2: no, what’s that?
guy 1: elon musk is now worth 1 morbillion dollars?
guy 2: why is it called a morbillion?
guy 1: MORBIUS
by auxre June 4, 2022
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