koom is everything
what isnt koom?
when was koom born?
did you go to the koom today?
you have some koom in your eyes.
sara never gave amanda her koom back.
by saradoso July 7, 2006
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What isn't koom?

Koom is an near undefinable word with a lot of meaning.
That dress looks koomtastic on you!

She was crying today, apparently she had a koom day.
by Saraaaa C. May 4, 2007
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Another way of saying koon which means ass in persian.
A: Woaa look at that koom right there.
D: It's called koon, kooni!
by b3g3 April 23, 2008
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The sound of a 20-foot rocket launching in an appreciably arid area, heard from about a mile away. It may be accompanied by a visible vapor trail that is either straight or shaped like a corkscrew; and it is considered to be exciting, regardless.
"What's it like to see it go up? It's 'chick-koom,' and it's gone," Judy Wallin said. "It is exciting."
area woman discussing Upham, New Mexico's future spaceport
by BillyJack June 17, 2009
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Initialism combo of "King Of Mountain, KOM" from Strava and Oof, which means to expressing discomfort, as from sudden exertion or a blow to one's body; King OOf Mountain, KOOM.
Chad: "I saw the seggie on my garmin, tossed back 5 jetberry Gü's, and Zone 6'd my heart-rate for a KOOM."

Fred: "Bro that can't be good for your health."

Chad: "You wouldn't get it."
by LowcountryMTBassociation May 31, 2022
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