Slang for crumbs of rock cocaine. Comes from urban origin.
Recording Start-23:43
"Joo got sum kibbles n' bits left for me, Rocko?" "Sure, want some Z to mix, my friend?" "Anything to keep me from hanging low." Recording End-23:59
by Smkngmgc June 21, 2004
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the mixture of the two drugs ritalin and talwin taken at the same time.
Man, i got all messed up on kibbles n' bits last night!
by bluzcrazy April 24, 2006
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To get small chinks of weed in your mouth when smoking a joint, pipe, or blunt. (not a good thing at all)
Damn Get that pipe a screen! i got kibbles and bits all in my mouth!
by duhveed October 7, 2009
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