a Godlike girl who is most likely the greatest single asset to someone's life. She also most likely has the best personality of anyone within a million mile radius. Oh and she might lie a lot too.
Man, I am so glad I met "Jaimie", she is a great asset to my life!
by Brett Knapp June 17, 2008
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she's the most perfect girl ever and you'd be really lucky to get with her. all girls are jealous of her because of her beauty, she's the prettiest and most heartwarming human being. she is kind and she cares about everyone, she is smart but belives pretty easily. if you break her heart you have broken the most precious heart.
girl1: yo that jaimie girl's so gorgeous wtf im so jealous

girl2: ikr how!
by farzadwot November 17, 2019
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A girl who is amazingly kind and sweet, but yet crazy. She has her serious side and fun side and is always silly. She is tough and knows what she's getting herself into.
Jaimie is the best
by scode1991 April 29, 2011
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a beautiful girl that has a great smile a sense of humor most make millions for a will to exceed others thoughts of her and wants the best for everyone very cansiderite and caring and loves to spread happiness
man that jesus is doing some jaimie stuff today
by daltonok September 30, 2009
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A girl who can put a smile on your face no matter what mood you're in. She's funny as all hell and isn't just another common whore. Like Jamie, but better for her name has two I's, and well, that's just a huge turn on. She will make your life worth living.
My day is going terrible, I need some Jaimie.
by LTheDemon May 15, 2010
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He is the sweetest person ever, he has a heart of gold and the most gorgeous{ smile. He gets excited for t he littlest things and has the best personality. He is naturally beautiful and has soft and shiny brown hair with big, deep green eyes. Jaimie is smart and caring and has all the best traits you can think of, he is a genuinely funny person that would never cease to make you smile. He is super sporty and athletic. He is the most amazing boyfriend with the kindest soul, he treats girls with massive amounts of respect and gives them all his love and attention. He knows how to get on the softer side of everyone. All girls swoon over him and if he’s your boyfriend, he wouldn’t notice all the attention he gets, he would only have eyes for you.
Girl 1: DUDE! I just saw the hottest guy ever, I said hi to him and he gave me the sweetest smile back and said hi in the softest voice, he has the most gorgeous eyes ever!!
Girl 2: was his voice really soft and sweet?

Girl 1: yeah?

Girl 2: did he have little dimples and seem like a real gentleman?

Girl 1: yeah? Why do you know this?

Girl 2: oh you must be talking about my boyfriend, jaimie.
by Blipperblip1234 May 25, 2019
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Jaimie is the wrinkly part of a cats anus. Also referred to as a “crinkle” .
Cat! Get your bloody Jaimie out ma face!
by Flembutt December 22, 2018
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