Extremely impressive or used to express excitement
Equivalent to cool, awesome, and nice.
"Hey man, I just got the new ikonik skin on fortnite!"

"Damn bro, that's itchy!"
by Simply Itchy March 15, 2019
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noun: A temporary psychosomatic condition wherein the afflicted person experiences itching sensations at various locations around the body. Most of the itchy spots have no physical reason to be itchy, though a bout of the itcgies may be triggered by an initial legitimate itch (like an insect bite or rash).
Sign that gives you the itchies: "Please do not scratch on this premisis."
by sarcen May 28, 2014
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An animated mouse from The Simpsons that usually brings counterpart Scratchy to a violent demise.
They Fight, and Bite
They Fight and Fight and Bite
Fight, Fight, Fight, Bite, Bite, Bite
The Itchy and Scratchy Show!
by Balfdor June 16, 2007
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Anxious, aggravated, on edge, feeling a bit moody and angry
I'm feelin a bit itchy today as everyone is on my case.
by sconti May 28, 2010
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1. The tiny, blue, chainsaw wielding, homicidal mouse from the Simpsons
2. The coolest nickname you can ever receive
3. Can stand for Number 1 or champion
The Itchy & Scratchy Show!!!
Itchy is awesome.
He has become an Itchy, now no one can stop him.
by toshiki-san April 24, 2010
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When your pubic hair is comming in from you shaving it, that my friend is itchy!
**high five**

me and erica are Itchy Twins
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