The American gaming company known as "Homelan".
Homelan's public relations, customer support and hosting is seriously inept.
by D33 December 1, 2003
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when someone is really really stupid and you can call them autistic but ur in a formal situation and you want to sound smart so u call them inept
Ryanthe kid is so inept
by i like noodles and doodles November 11, 2017
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Someone who has little or no grasp of other people's feelings and/or problems assessing how one should act towards others emotionally.
'He just punched her in the gut and carried on playing without any apology or sign of remorse'
'He's so emotionally inept'
by Clownporn93 November 20, 2013
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Unable to judge and improvise interactions with other people in a acceptable or 'normal' manner. By a mix of being too keen or plain ignorant the socially inept seem to live in their own world exempt from who they're talking to.

Josie : *Winks flirtingly*
Ben : Oh do you have something in your eye? Want me to go get you some eye drops?
Josie : You are so socially inept *walks off*
by orta therox March 26, 2008
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Person having the ability to reason and understand but makes decisions and choices not suibable to the purpose.
Person's rent is due but no matter they take 1/2 the money and get a tatoo saying the landlord won't mind. Later that afternoon they decide to buy beer and go to the beach because the landlord won't like getting half the rent. Rest of week is spent avoiding the landlord. Finally landlord catches up with the renter and has him evicted on the basis that he is intellectually inept and this pattern will likely continue.
by Jane Barb January 17, 2012
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A characteristic defined by people who are sexually unconfident, unskilled, or someone who just can't get laid in general.
Matt just can't find a girlfriend, he always get nervous when hanging out with women... I think he's sexually inept.
by OEKP February 16, 2019
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The inability for a male to determine whether or not a person of the opposite sex is making passes and/or flirting with him; the inability to read a females cues and therefore fail at moving the friendship/relationship forward.
Dude, you're so female inept, that you didn't notice that girl giving you the eye.
by dabphr July 15, 2011
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