Hey Marry, why am i looking this up. Or ,dogs eating cats wearing hats,
by SalamanderSquid February 23, 2014
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The question that every woman will invariably ask of their significant other atleast once. She is fishing for a compliment and the correct answer is ALWAYS no. Do not say yes unless you enjoy sleeping on the couch and pulling your own pork for a month.
by Miss Stevie December 30, 2004
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To look like a butter is to look smooth and silky clean like butter.
V. I went to the party and all the hoes said I look like a butter
by THAT BUTTER March 23, 2018
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When someone asks you a question that you don't feel like or have the time to answer
Jess: What are the three houses of our government?
Erik: Do I look like Google?!
by diver1273 October 15, 2011
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why would i do that

who do you think i am
- "Hey go put burn cream on your burnt finger"

- "Wtf i look like i ain't white"
by Gucci qurl April 12, 2011
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Asked by that fat pig you've been porking, when the answer is obviously yes. If you say yes, however, you will never tap that ass again, ever.
Her: Do I look fat in this dress?
You: Who let the pig out? Snort snort snort snort. WHO LET THE PIG OUT? and so on...
by Nick D February 10, 2003
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Something that your mother says after asking her to do you a favor. Even if she is doing nothing.
Kid: Hey mom can you help me make some lemonade?
Kid: No.
Mom: Good.
by DoraKnob November 15, 2009
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