What happens when you smoke on some real good danks and you find yourself bamboozled.
by mrfistinkittens_420 November 4, 2009
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Achieved when one smokes so much chronic that they are as high as the ureteral vicinity of the Giraffa camelopardalis.
"Shit mein, I blazed so much dro, I was higher than giraffe pussy yesterday!"
by Martwamp December 11, 2007
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When you’re so high that it can only be expressed with such exotic eloquence.
by ‘Tana August 2, 2019
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Way to describe just how high on drugs someone really is.
Dude, have you seen Seth? He's higher than pigeon pussy right now!
by Anastacia Lee April 22, 2017
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Meaning extremely high, being baked or stoned. It refers to the leaked clip of Miley Cyrus laughing hysterically while on Salvia.
Eric: "Dude what's with Kyle? He's totally hysterical!"
Steve: "I know dude! He's Higher than Miley Cyrus!"
by NikolaiC December 17, 2010
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1. something exteremly high.

2. being blown out of your mind.
1. "gas is 4 dollars a gallon, damn thats higher than bird pussy."
2. " shit last night was crazy we played beer pong and were ripping the bong all night, i was higher than bird pussy!"
by agreen09 June 3, 2010
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