A person who is of both northern Asian (China, Japan, etc.) and southern Asian (India, Bangladesh, etc.) descent
Momo: Did you hear?
Bob: She's half Korean and Bengali
Momo: She's a hash brown!
by halfie December 29, 2014
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An ugly history teacher that loves touching little girls. He is gay. He tried touching Mr Mabletoft's winky.
by xobeautifulbabexo December 1, 2019
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Another term for skid marks, hash marks or Bacon strips in a pair of underwear. More of a blotting stain than a stripe. Caused more from a fart gone wet than inpropper wiping.
John's mother was worried as she continues finding hash browns in his undies.
by Crasher B May 5, 2006
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Used as a term of endearment in response to being called "home fry," usually by someone who is clearly doing a bad job of being ghetto.
Sandie: Sup, home fry?
Derek: NMH, hash brown...
by newburystreet December 9, 2006
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To get a woman stoned so that you can have anal intercourse with her.
Adam: What are you up to tonight?
John: Going to some dive to try and Hash Brown some skanks.
by zaaaaaa April 2, 2009
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an incredibly tastey "morsel" (see cock or dick) that may be "roasted" (see ridden or banged) over an open fire
dude, thats one LARGE hash brown!
by dude December 17, 2003
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A self satisfying sexual act where one takes their finger(s), usually the index finger, and massages the ring of their butt-hole in a circular fashion. Being sure to never actually penetrate the butt-hole to avoid any homosexual suspicions. Due to the fact there is no penetration implies that the person giving them selves some Charlie Hash-browns is in fact straight, unless other data presents itself.

also referred to as simply 'hash-browns'
Cameron: ...are you fingering your butthole?

Notneal: Naw man i aint gay, i'm just giving myself some charlie hash-browns.


Jack: so i was hash-browning myself the other day, and after i was done my finger kind of smelled like sweet potatoes.
by Cookie Limps March 27, 2010
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