The expression "get on the ball" is a phrase that was commonly used in the Ottawa Valley, Canada to mean "get with it". A local derivation often used was "get on the ball or get on the bus..." meaning "get with it" or "get out of here".
by SRFdeGriffintown March 8, 2018
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To overcome your fear, to act despite your fright and show some confidence by being a man.
When you are scared to walk over to that pretty girl your friend tells you to get your balls up.
by natralman March 11, 2007
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The phrase "to get your balls out" means to pluck up the courage to do something. This can be anything, from riding a ferris wheel, to jumping off a tall building.
It is based on the theory every one has the courage or "balls" to do something, it is just a case of "getting them out"
1) guy: You reckon i should go sky diving
other guy: Yeah, Get your balls out and do it!

2) guy: God, that girl is fit, reckon i should get my balls out and ask her on a date?
by needs4crying January 13, 2009
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A descriptive term for having intercourse with a lady; supposedly because of bodily fluids.
"Are you getting your balls wet tonight?"

"He bare got his balls wet in your bird last week"
by ConcreteHorizon August 31, 2006
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The phrase get your balls wet is intended to indicate that one must go balls deep or balls out giving one's activity 100% effort
This task requires that you must get your balls wet
by Big dick dabs December 30, 2016
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Get big... grow a pair... saying this to someone means to toughen up and do it
"Joe: I don't want to go down the slide."
"Sally: Cmon Joe, get your balls up!
by Carloneedstogethisballsup October 16, 2008
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Why would you want to get your balls straight
Me: Guys i swear i didnt eat the pie
My bro: Get your balls straight bro!
Me: what the fuck does that mean
by Fuck me:) February 21, 2023
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