One of the greatest handheld systems of all time. It makes sense, as it's essentially a remake of the Last Great Game System.

Had one of the most expansive game libraries of all time, as it could play most other Game Boy and Game Boy Color games. Reasons to buy this system or its successor, the GBA SP, include but are not limited to: Castlevania COTM, most of the Final Fantasy games, the Pokemon series, and the Legend of Zelda series.

Those unlucky few who fail to realize that the SNES lives on in the GBA and later the DS and DS Lite are doomed to waste money on games and systems that focus so much on graphics over gameplay that they'll be playing episodes of Friends while the true gamers like us will be playing the games that made and continue to make history.
Game Boy Advance, we salute you.
by aka_Pyro May 6, 2007
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The Game Boy Light was the first Game Boy to have a back-lit screen, but it was only released in Japan, because many people outside of Japan (including Americans) wanted color more than light.

Similar in size and weight to the Game Boy Pocket. Besides the light, the Game Boy Light contains all the other functions of the original Game Boy (batteries, contrast, etc.).

The first back-lit Game Boy released outside of Japan was the Game Boy Advance SP
I believe the Game Boy Light is better than any kind of light accessorie (e.g. Worm Light) on an original Game Boy and a Game Boy Pocket.
by frodaddy July 27, 2005
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The Leading Cause of Childhood Bankrupcy
I Spent all of my money on games for my Game Boy Advance
by Giygas27 April 4, 2011
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The forgetton system, as everyone is too busy concerning themselves with PS2, X-Box, and Gamecube.
The Game Boy Advance is great for long car rides.
by Brad June 10, 2003
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A miniature gaming deity spawned from the Divine Realm of Nintendo. Great for long car rides, and owning the crap out of friends in 4-player games that are now sadly obsolete.
person1: dude, you bring your GBA?
person2: you know it!
(Game Boy Advance: yes, yes, succumb to my infinitely gargantuan library that makes the collective library of PS3 and Xbox 360 look like a school library selection of useful books. Alas, my library is only rivaled by that of my newer relatives, the DS and Wii!)
by aka_Pyro April 27, 2007
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that type of butt that's so tiny it's hand held like a game boy
I was with a girl last night and we were making out and i was goin for the gold tryin 2 grab a piece of that when i realized she had a game boy booty so i could easily fit all of that in my hands
by Jonny Rancid April 26, 2014
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A near flawless system with great games,controls,backlighting,a rechargable battery,and fits in your pocket. It comes with an AC Adaptor even,kickass. My one gripe is that there's no headphone jack. >_<
I like playing SMB3 and Golden Sun on my GBA SP.
by 0niTTRay December 31, 2004
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