If ever the word 'McNerbert' is used in a sentence you must always preceed it with the word 'Floogle'. Fact.
Flanking hell geeza, my dad said to me that he plays golf. Floogle Mcnerbert bruv, Floogle Mcnerbert.
by baz January 20, 2005
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The reference to the act of smoking marijuana (ganja, herb, the magic dragon, green trees) in excessive and socially unacceptable amounts.
Bob- Hey man, what are you doing today
Jay- Not shit, no work today!
Bob- Well then, floogle fleegle?
Jay- Why yes kind sir, i would love to scheegan schloogan fleegle floogle.
by Schleegle Schlagles February 23, 2010
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a hose used for floogling. usually under the hood of a car.
that floogle hose needs floogling!
by old genius July 15, 2008
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