Strong leader. He gets all the pussy and everyone looks up to him because he's so chill.
That Enzo kid's a strong leader! I wish we could get the pussy like him!
by iNike November 8, 2010
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Enzo is a beast!
He is big, built, handsome, smart, and charismatic as all fucks damn it!
You can't resist Enzo. Even Enzo cannot resist Enzo!
He is known to be an arrogant fuck, but it suits him. Enzo knows things, Enzo is things!
Enzo is always packing big and strong... Huge and merciless, with a piercing on top. He will fuck you unconscious, but only if you're a woman. Enzo is straight as an arrow, unfortunately.
Find an Enzo, enjoy him, set him free. An Enzo cannot be caged. Attempt to cage him, and he will lash out and slice you ever-so-sensually as he revels in your crimson insides spilling over his immaculate floor.
Enzo is very tidy, very clean. Enzo hires a maid to keep his floors clean and then fucks her senseless. It's a she-maid, you see. It makes sense, since Enzo is straight as an arrow.
Enzo is worthy. Get yourself an Enzo or five today!
by HurtMePls July 22, 2019
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Personhi Enzo”

by Enzo_a_person January 5, 2021
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you have no enzo
by dheuowdhqwidhwi March 19, 2019
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A crazy fucker that will fuck you unconscious and a good leader and he is a master at all his crafts
Oh my god my son is such a Enzo I want him to fuck me
by Ensoo boiii November 3, 2019
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The most handsome, coolest, nice, kind person you'll ever meet. Great in bed. The best brother, friend, cousin or boyfriend you'll ever have.
My boyfriend is such an Enzo!!!!!
by TheAwesomeBoiiii September 5, 2018
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the cutest, sweetest, hottest guy you will ever meet. the best boyfriend a girl could ask for
kt: wow last night was the greatest
kayla: oh were you with enzo last night?
kt: yep. we had some goooood times
by a very satisfied girlfriend January 28, 2009
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