A term used to describe a more useless than tits-on-a-bull project that your useless fuck of an employer has you working on. And when it blows up in their face, they are asking why you didn't work hard enough.
Henry had me working in his shop for customers who only come in for samples and nothing else. That numbnut is running a real dog and pony show.
by straightpoolken September 18, 2004
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when two or more people or organizations pretend to have a very public grievance with each other in order to create publicity and buzz for their product/service, etc.
Pro wrestling is full of dog and pony act story-lines.
Tito Ortiz made a bunch of rude comments to Ken Shamrock, and Ken lost it and nearly started a fight at the press conference. I know they hate each other, but it's really just a dog and pony show to drum up interest in the fight.
by Fartblossomforyou September 6, 2011
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Banging a girl doggy style while aggressively pulling her hair back with one of your hands into an impromptu ponytail
She used to be a boring lay and only wanted to do it missionary. That was before I bent her over and gave her the old dog and pony show.
by MrDogAndPony February 24, 2014
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working to hard for something that aint worth shit
My roommate spent 3 hours preping for a date, he turned the damn thing into a dog and pony show
by Goodpancakes February 23, 2004
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(noun) - So I know this is a dictionary, but I don't really know what this means. You could ask Biden, but I'm not sure he knows either. Apparently its an insult?
Biden called that student a dog faced pony soldier to try to insult her however all the crowd did was laugh at him.
by $lapaho March 6, 2021
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Something a moron or idiot says after receiving an unexpected answer to a question
idiot: have you ever been to a caucus?
woman: Yes.
idiot: No you havent. Youre a lying "dog faced pony soldier"
by iambrandon46 July 13, 2022
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when you get to a bar or club, and there is a line of yuppies down the block, and big black bouncers that won't let anyone in, and you have to piss so badly your bladder is going to rupture.
This is a real dog and pony show if i've ever seen one.
by Johhny Cockrane May 23, 2004
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