When the word cunt just isn't strong enough. A combination of cunt and nonce. To only be used for that one person you hate more than any other. Usually a work colleague who pisses you off one too many times.
(insert name here) is such a cunce. If I never see him again, it'll be too soon
by PPs biggest nemesis February 7, 2018
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A cunt that lacks so much intelligence, she is also a dunce.
Yo that cunce at McDonald's screwed up my order AND spit in my food bro.

Thirsty cunce keeps making shady remarks on boyfriend's page, but can't even spell.
by MissBlazinAsian July 13, 2015
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Another word for a C u Next Tuesday.

A little bit more kind for the older generation ears. Cunc stands for C U IN Court but the I is silent.
Don’t be such a Cunc
by April 14, 2023
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A misspelled version of "cunt" but its more aggressive and offensive.. hey that rhymes.
You see that cunc? He smashed my tiny chode with a fucking sledgehammer
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when a foxx forgets how to say cunt
Fox: Humen u cunc
Human:u ment cunt???
by idkhelp May 16, 2021
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Moosey, you are a massive Cunce!

Moosey, send us the spready, you cunce!
by Kenworth Powers April 7, 2023
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The false persona you create on social media
Don’t listen to any of these cunce, they aren’t like that in real life
by CunceMasher May 14, 2020
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