Female that loves to display her meat on webcam. Usually uglier than they think they are, their pathetic life consists of showing off their meat.
Melissa is one of those camwhores. I saw her online the other day displaying her fat ass.
by sweetghy June 27, 2009
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Originally defined as girls who take infinite pictures of themselves being, the term has now also included girls who broadcast live or vlog on a regular basis (adapting to newer technology.)

Girls, usually of high school age, broadcast themselves in live and recorded video in an attempt to be showered with compliments by online strangers in a chat or comments section with things like "omg you're so hot." This method allows the girl to feed her incredible natural insecurities without having to be face to face with online stalkers.

Common "fishing for compliments" techniques are:

1. Saying things like "I look horrible today"
2. Putting on a ton of eye makeup, yet trying to appear that getting on video was impromptu
3. Making sure that the camera is framed properly so that cleavage is showing
4. Doing the cliche "smiling yet looking off to the side" look

Camwhores have no substance, only looks. Sometimes they will try to appear to have witty insight on sage-like advice about life or current events, but in the end it is all about craving attention and compliments.

The best thing to do when you spot a camwhore online is to not feed it. Doing so will only perpetuate the behavior.
V-Logging Youtube camwhores always make sure cleavage is visible in the thumbnails in order to attract horny men to click on the videos.
by Shulak August 18, 2010
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A modern definition of the word narcissist, from the word narcissism, only with a camera, camcorder, webcam, camera phone, etc. (see-media-whore)


Pronunciation: (när'su-siz"em),
1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
2. Psychoanal.erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development. Also,nar•cismPronunciation: (när'siz-um).

Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease
He/she is such a camwhore that he/she asks the clerk at the convenience store for a copy of their securtity video every time he/she buys a soda!
by Damien June 18, 2006
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Someone who adds their photo to emo on urbandictionary
camwhore 1: i'm bored
camwhore 2: let's go on urbandictionary and add our photos to the emo definiton!
camwhore 1: YES! that's such a good way to pass the time!
by BOB pwns all October 25, 2006
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A bitch with nothing better to do than set up a crap website with a webcam and blog.

The blog part is quite pointless as no-one cares what is happening in this dirty slut's life, or how she feels.

The webcam? Equally pointless. The only people who want to see these nude (or nearly nude) photos are perverts and fucked up lesbians who can't get a girl.

Having said that, the whole website is pointless. Why not put your unwashed body into some CLOTHES (seems alien, but a lot of people wear them nowadays) and shut that site down NOW!
Camwhore: Oh boy! The end of school bell! Time to give those lesbians and pervs a reason to get up in the morning!

Normal girl: What a camwhore! No wonder she can't get a boyfriend!
by Tiffin July 11, 2005
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A girl, particularly a teenager, who will show her breasts or more on a webcam for all to see for free.
That heatherxxx696969420 showed me her tits last night, she's such a camwhore.
by jallinga November 15, 2002
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a person who likes taking photos of himself/herself
all the fucking time in every place they are in.

girl: oh it's a nice wall! (leans on the wall, takes out her camera phone and takes photo of herself)

guy: shit! what a camwhore!!!
by pongpongalapong April 18, 2008
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