n. "the penis."

in reference to the penis' extraordinary ability to shoot things at other people.

Come on, then! I know you want a peek at my bowman.
by gotyournose January 24, 2009
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A highly potent drug named after the legendary crackhead bowman. Usually used by smoking or snorting.
"That bowman is only sold in the slums, where the most rabid crackheads roam."
by Sean jay February 28, 2009
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A Bowman is typically a person who tries getting his nut, no matter the cost it may put onto his body. A Bowman typically settles for fat, Chinese chicks who eat sushi. A Bowman is known to be a huge man-whore and can easily be recognized by a tattoo on his right bicep.
See that Bowman hitting on that fat chick, he's a real chode.
by KokTickler October 19, 2010
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the underbelly of a catfish used to clean fecal matter off of other male catfish during mating season
In a science video, i saw a catfish to use its bowman on another male catfish's retum
by the fantastic minister February 1, 2010
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the crazy mother ------ who has the flaming arrow at the party when all the rest of us romans are just relaxing and trying to roast marshmellows over the bones of our enemies
pic one they are all good espeically the one where the bowman was on the snow mo bile
by the codipherious one October 28, 2011
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1. Worthless, good-for-nothing, terrible mother, gold digging slut.
2. Uneducated cunts that cant spell worth a fuck
1. "Yo man, did you know that she slept with like 63 dudes?!" "WHAT?!?! NO! Man, what a Bowman."
2. "C'mon Jenny, you have to spell "cat" if you want to pass the 1st grade. We dont want to hold you back, the other kids will all know that you're a Bowman."
by Mayan Warrior January 20, 2011
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Look at bowmans fat ass danceing on fat chicks, he would do anyone while drunk
by sakib2008 November 27, 2008
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