King of all spyware. Underneath the cute purple fur is a evil so great I dare not speak its name. Rumored to have been put onto Windows ME backup disks. Chances are, your computer has bonzi buddy on it. The only way to save yourself is to quest for the magical golden package.
Little girl: Mommy! Mommmy! I had that bad dream again!
Mom: Was it bonzi again?
Little girl: Yes...
Mom: Curse you Bonzi Buddy! Stop haunting my child's dreams!
by The Great Vandoo September 11, 2004
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1. The worst computer trojan/virus known to human kind. Possibly the worst thing of anything (Even worse than Kenny G).
2. The true name of Satan
@#$%! %#$@in' Bonzi Buddy!!1 %$@# you!
by Johnny86 May 28, 2003
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The art of waiting to the last possible second to grab your spouse head and pull down when you blow a nut
Some Girl I meet at the bar offered me a BJ .and I had to see if she could Bonzi swallow. To my surprise she didn't blink an eye.
by Ohiofitter December 9, 2016
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Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do.

That’s all he ever says.
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

-Bonzi Buddy 2004-2007
by SomeSodaCanV.1 November 14, 2020
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A campfire (usually takes place at a party) where if the smoke points in your direction you and the opposite person have to go and make love. It is called a Bonzie fire because the first one is rumored to have began at one of bonzie’s (Nina Ferraro) concerts.
Me and Emily sure had a fun time at that bonzie fire
by Believe me it’s real July 28, 2020
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The iconic Canadian rapper duo budgies named Mika and Bonzi
Person 1: Have you listened to MK Bonzi's new track?
Person 2: Yeah! It goes "chirp chirp chirp!"
by Sh0tgunn October 8, 2023
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Overplanning. Pronounced “The BON-Zee Approach,” this technique involves mentally planning the exact sequence of events for the immediate future (such as what to do after getting out of bed), which usually takes more time than actually doing it.
Simon: I feel so organized! I used The Bonzi Approach this morning.

Charlotte: Is that why you were 70 minutes late?
by DennisInAtor February 26, 2023
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