Adjective used in South Africa to mean "especially keen" or "enthusiastically interested"
You bok for another beer?
by stubaan August 23, 2009
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Bok, or Bock, no known spelling. This does NOT come up on Google, but is a slang word used in the UK by the gamblers and casino staff to indicate an element of bad luck, which can follow a particular player, dealer, or table.

A jinx.
"I am leaving, there is a bok on me tonight, I can't win"

"that dealer is the biggest 'bok' in the place'
by rakroll August 1, 2019
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-the chicken in the backyard before it was eaten by the dog, 2022-2022
by LegendaryWølf October 13, 2022
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foreign tongue to discribe anything or anyone of oriental descent.
the preffered meal of the bok bok is cream of sum yungguy.
by massive25 February 18, 2010
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"i'm so bok!!"
"sorry about last i was a little bok"
by alex illingworth August 27, 2007
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1. (Vulgar) Turkish word for shit. May be english-ized into "bokky".

2. An exclamation of silliness preferably said in a high pitched and with a fish puppet in hand.
1. "That's a load of bok!"
"Man! I'm having a bokky day."

2. "Look at these flippers! BOK!"
by cosmickitten June 30, 2005
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Cool is said slowly, or in place of cool means cool (bbbbooookkkk)
said otherwise means thanks.
That iPod is bbbbooookkkk!
The iPod you gave me is cool, bok!
by Ben and Katrina January 17, 2008
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