A lesbian's best friend.(The opposite of "fag hag")
"The BoHo's favorite person to hang out with is his/her lesbian friend!"
by ALS52680 January 15, 2012
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a drug-addcted life
She went boho, when she started using dope.
by T.V. John January 22, 2013
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A name you call someone if they do something dumb or stupid.
"Sarah was being such a Boho the other day." "You're such a Boho."
by Sarah4Days June 15, 2015
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A "Boho Soul" is known as a soul in which is free spirited, hippie, eccentric, odd-ball, radical, independent, non-conformist, adventurous, free-thinker, artistic, bizarre, wild, wanderer, and lover of all life and beauty.
Wow look at that girl over there looking at the waves, she definitely has a boho soul.
by bahoowahoo August 16, 2015
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A fashion trend that is part bohemian and part chic. It is tied to the vintage phenomenom in fashion where the trend was to bring back vintage styles for the modern era. Boho chic combines organic, colorful, detailed, folk-inspired pieces with simple, modern pieces. An example would be wearing a beaded peasant dress with a white tanktop.

The trend is said to have been started by actress Sienna Miller in 2005. She wore bohemian-style clothing in the movie Alfie and continued to sport the garb regularly in London. People began to imitate this style, and fashion designers took notice.
Boho chic may be hot now, but it'll be dead by 2007.
by improviduto January 31, 2006
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a palatial dorm room decorated with string lights, wall hangings, posters, lanterns, etc. generally having every surface covered with sexy objets d'art and putting surrounding dorm rooms to shame
"WOW! Have you seen Tara's room? She's really turned it into a BoHo Palace since her roommate went crazy and moved out."
"Bitch, that ain't no BoHo Palace. That's a BoHotel."
by Mindy February 1, 2004
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Boho Salon is a popular group/game on the building platform ROBLOX. They are notorious for botting their way to 40K members, and are apparently getting an award for it. Their game is a simulation of working at a salon, serving customers and being one yourself. You can get a nose job, nail job, hair job or hand job.
About that...
Boho Salon is flooded with ODers, or Online Daters. These thirsty six year olds come here when their mom isn't looking, find the kid with the "sexiest hair" and act like a couple. This is not endorsed by ROBLOX.
There is quite a bit of controversy surrounding them, because it is a troll's playground, an ODer wasteland, and a terrible free modeled game.
The leader is a cancerous, spoiled four year old bitch who thinks she is a successful business owner, just because she botted members.
"Boho Salon, where the weaves start!"
Heard about Boho Salon? They just botted another 1K members!
Those fuckers.
by InkerBinker December 25, 2016
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