Kidrauhl is so cute & kind. I love him so much! *continues*...Can't stop beliebing right now!
by booksluv October 5, 2016
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A fan of and/or believer in Justin Bieber. In case it wasn't obvious, it's a combination of believer and Bieber.
When Neil Diamond's and Smash Mouth's hit song "I'm a Believer" was remade to "I'm a Belieber", all JB's fans similtaneously Biebergasmed and then procceded to Bieberblast the song on iTunes.
by MusicMan#2489 March 29, 2010
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Bob: Why are Justin Biebers fans called beliebers?
Steve: Because it's not politically correct to call them Retards.
by Stuey Base April 4, 2015
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To believe in something.
With the courage of Justin Bieber.
Created by the fans.
If Bieber see's this, tweet it.

Follow, @helloimagirl
by bieberishot August 19, 2011
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a person who is either obssessed with justin bieber, likes his music, or likes anything that has to do with justin bieber
That belieber just went to Hot Topic to buy a justin bieber t-shirt.
by bieber's shawty May 21, 2010
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1. A die hard fan of Justin Bieber.
2. A hypocrite
BiebersGaahl: Beliebers love haters! lololol!
Normalkid415: I don't really like Justin Bieber's songs.
BiebersGaahl: OMG! You fucken haterrr! Die!!!!
Normalkid415: WTF?
by Normalkid415 December 12, 2012
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