A gorgeous, amazing, stunning person with millions of friends and who is super smart. She doesn't do well at sports, but she tries her best. She never has a lot of luck with boys, but she doesn't mind because she has so many amazing friends. Always take good care of an Anoushka, she's one of a kind.
That girl is amazing!!! She's such an Anoushka!
by iluvglee12 November 2, 2010
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A beautiful mature woman whose presence lights up your heart and life to such an extent that her happiness matters a lot to you.Definitely a brilliant,A+ student who is going to achieve great milestones in her life.Not a person to break heart of as the scars would never fade and you won't get over your nightmares.If there is an'Anoushka' in your life,make sure you watch each other's back and never let go off her.
He said,"Anoushka understands my feelings better than any other girl."
by kauzhal May 23, 2021
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Anoushka is a friendly person, who is sweet to her friends but can think violently about her enemies. She is normally nice to a lot of people but if you do something bad she will not like you. Anoushka is also very beautiful and everyone finds her attractive, she has stunning hair and gorgeous eyes. She is very good at the arts but also can be very logical. Anoushka can be stubborn and could have anger issues, make sure not to get on that side of her!
Person A: Who's the new girl?

Person B: Oh that's Anoushka, isn't she beautiful!
by iIikefood March 15, 2021
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The type of girl who's almost reached her limit. One more bad joke and she's going off on a murder spree save yourselves before it's too late.
Guys stop with the teasing , she's become an Anoushka already !
by Nushie <3 November 21, 2021
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A beautiful, smart, funny girl, who will always be there. Has blue-grey eyes, and is a great singer and dancer. Always the one calling the shots. Xxxx
Aw tysm Anoushka!
by SpaceCowboyBackingGuy May 4, 2018
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A Eshay australian girl that loves to piss people off with weird names.
Anoushka: Hey bumbum hows your non-exsisting life going
by DAMMED JOHNNY February 8, 2021
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A girl who is very pretty and intelligent. She holds egalitarian views and loves physiotherapy and giggling boys.
That girl is such an Anoushka.
by PrinceOfSummerhall April 18, 2021
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