The theory that an anarchic society, having no infringements, can and should be brought about through a harsh authoritarian state. It is believed that since the people don't come to this freedom on their own, it must be imposed on them.
When Mr. X rose to power, he created a society based on anarcho-fascism.
by eefhead March 1, 2009
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A political system that falls under anarcho-capitalism, of which a private land owner the 'King' acts as a landlord, renting out land to citizens via a voluntary contract with certain conditions similar to that of a set of laws. In anarcho-monarchism, the 'citizens' transfer the ownership rights of all things they produce or have to the 'King' but are granted usage rights to those things with certain amounts possibly taken away as 'taxation' according to the citizenship contract.

An anarcho-monarchy is not a government as it is not a monopoly on aggression(initiation of force). All actions taken by a 'King' in an anarcho-monarchy are fully consensual.
"I follow anarcho-monarchism as if government ever gets abolished and anarcho-capitalism is established, I will make myself a king over my land"
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Anarcho-tyranny is a concept, where the state is argued to be more interested in controlling citizens so that they do not oppose the managerial class (tyranny) rather than controlling real criminals (causing anarchy). Laws are argued to be enforced only selectively, depending on what is perceived to be beneficial for the ruling elite.
USA could be classified as a anarcho-tyranny
by Freemen009 September 28, 2019
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Anarcho-Monarchism might seem like the ultimate contradiction.

Philosophically speaking, anarchism has a strong anti-democratic tradition that, far from seeing anarchism as being democracy carried to its logical conclusion, is actually far closer to being instead aristocracy universalised. Monarchy can be reinvented as a concept to serve a distinctively libertarian ethos, if one can see in the monarch a symbol of sovereignty that is reflected in the absolute sovereignty of the free individual. The word 'king' is derived from the word 'kin' - so kingship denotes kinship, the king or queen being a symbolic guardian of the people's freedom and self-determination. Thus handed down generation to generation, the monarch carries the genetic inheritance of the people in a bond of mutual co-inherence.
"What ideology did you say you follow?"


"What the heck is that?"
by Vech October 19, 2011
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Anarcho swagism, similar to anarcho capitalism, is a new ideology based on anarchy and swag. If you have the urge to rebel against authorities while sporting some gucci flip flops, you might be an anarcho swagist.
Band kid#1: I can’t believe I missed the anarcho communist student meeting! REEEEEEE!
Band kid#2: Sorry, I prefer anarcho swagism
Band kid#1: What?
Band kid#2 proceeds to swag on Band kid#1
by culturedTroglodyte September 19, 2020
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A political ideology founded by @anarcho.chadism.exe.v3 on politigram. The founder of anarcho-chadism, known as Anchad, has gathered over 5,000 cult members. Anchads will ruthlessly shitpost, spam ‘country ball’ memes and frequently post personal anecdotes and their opinions on random topics; previous examples include experiences at shoe stores and memories of being “extremely high”.
“Hey bro Anarcho Chadism just posted another screenshot of somebody’s political rant and captioned his opinion using mematic

by tedpilled July 5, 2020
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