It is great to have an Aleyna in your life sometime or another.
by Anon. August 22, 2003
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she of health and beauty
by Pamela September 23, 2003
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+''She is almost as perfect as Aleyna Korkmaz! Wow.''
- ''I agree with that.''
by fanofagirlwhonamedasaleyna January 4, 2018
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all you ever need in your life. The person you want to marry.
Every sag needs a Aleyna
by sagneedsataurus February 5, 2022
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she's the most beautiful, gorgeous and amazing person ever.(I mean... she's REALLY charismatic) she has dark brown eyes, (would get lost in her eyes...) beautiful short black hair. her personality is flirty, playful, lovely, a little shy and lazy. her zodiac sign is aquarius. the way she fixes her hair is..beautiful, she's beautiful, her zodiac sign is beautiful, everything about her is beautiful. she's perfect.

if you have someone like Aleyna in your life, you're living the best life, and she's a keeper, the most greatest human alive (in my opinion ofc)

if a person named Aleyna is reading this.. I FUCKING LOVE YOU OMG
by likac_00 August 19, 2022
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She is the type that could whip yo ass in seconds, she's not a crybaby she's pretty tough. If you meet an Aleyna, she's most likely to be a freak.
Girl 1: hey, don't mess with Aleyna.
Girl 2: why?
Girl 1: because she'll send you to a different dimension.
by MrOhmagoodness July 25, 2021
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