a response of passive aquiescense
Larsen: "Ay, wanna go smoke swishers in front of Eli's house?"

Translation: "A thought just occured to me; would you be interested in engaging in tobacco product consumption on the premises of our fine friend, Eli's, property."

Phillip: "I ain't trippin."

Translation: "I have no objections."
by Mikedereklarsen July 2, 2005
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Jerry: Hey dude you should wrap your fists up and break his truck window out.

Matt: No man, I ain't feelin it.
by Conner Ryan September 16, 2013
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A phrase that originated at Cheltenham High School. It is a phrase that shows approval of a certain idea.

I ain't mad at a snowday.

Lu: "Yo J, i'm about to get the bock tonight."
J: "I ain't mad at a bocky!"
by truelu March 2, 2010
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Something thats not going to happen. Telling someone you're not going to do something.
"Girl why this man tried to get me to have a 3some??.. You know I ain't going.
by Jbizzle44 December 2, 2007
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One's refusal to participate in an act, conversation, etc. South Side Chicago lingo.
Got some smoke, want some?
Naw, dude, I ain't on nat.
by staccato brainstem February 17, 2005
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a common phrase you use to express the fact that you aren't a bitch, pussy, wuss, etc... Commonly used when you want to want to do something you normally wouldn't do on a limb.
guy 1: there's no way in hell im going outside
guy 2: fuck it i ain't no bitch
*goes outside and suffers in the cold, but fuck it at least he ain't a bitch*
by DickTwingler69 December 3, 2018
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A response to being accused of trippin. Similar in meaning to "No shit!" "I swear to god!" "I'm not kidding!"
"Son, you are straight trippin if you think you're gonna hit that shit."

"I ain't trippin! Watch me work my magic, fool!"
by Danny Delinquent December 23, 2003
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