A place to go to see exotic animals for a small fee.
I went to the zoo and saw a bear.
by Jequita the Awesome January 29, 2008
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A place for people to stare at enslaved animals.
by my name is not jayden February 24, 2011
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Short for zoophile, which means one who has a deep emotional attraction to animals and may prefer them to a human as a companion/sexual partner. Different from bestialists in that they have compassion for the animal.
Chris is a zoo; he even brought his dog with him to Wendy's.
by true zoo March 14, 2007
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(Probably no longer in use), however, the South Shore of Mass in the late 70s used "zooed" to mean: To put someone in an embarassing situation that they don't understand, yet everyone else is laughing at them....
Jane drove into the student parking lot in her dad's car, not knowing that eight jock straps and a 12 pack were dragging behind her tail pipe, she was wicked zooed.....
by WPD January 17, 2006
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1. A person who is an absolute party animal and/or a complete drunken mess.
2. A house or location that is just a wild party.

May be altered to personal preference;

eg. zookini
"Man, you were a fucking zookini last night"
"That party last night was a god damn zoo."
by thongerrr November 16, 2011
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Being "high" due to the inhalation of the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. Used when in the presence of people who look down upon smoking.
Steve: Hey you wanna go to the zoo?
Bill: Sure lets smoke some weed.

Steve: You at the zoo yet?
Bill: No, I'm still in line, hasn't taken effect yet

Steve: I think we've been going to the zoo too much lately
Bill: Yeah i can't remember the last week.
by TheZoologist October 9, 2011
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