But Dr Brodsky had a loud long smeck (laugh) at that, showing all his white zoobies.
by nicholeeee December 1, 2006
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A word to describe a nicely shapes rear and thigh area.
"ooo that girl is zooby zooby"
by Hilnot O'reilly January 13, 2023
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A Utah Mormon who is very sheltered and ignorant of the outside world. They want to stay in Utah. They don't have to go to BYU or college at all. They mostly live in Utah Valley and Utah County.
The zoobies in my class are so annoying. They don't get how things are in the real world.
by someaaguy December 1, 2013
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Arabic for penis.
See also zoob
"Yo, Aiden, could you hook me up with a Yohoo?"
"Yo, Stefan, how about you eat a zoobie?"

"Yo, I heard you like men."
"I don't even know, Charlie, because I heard you eat zoobies on the daily, and you take them up the Wembley way."

"You like zoobies?"
"I like mine in your mom's pooter scooter."
by Tubu-fuckin'-lar July 10, 2006
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A common Hebrew term used alongside the Israeli middle finger to emphasize hate.
(Flips Off)
"Zoobie on you!"
by Herban Dicktionary April 2, 2017
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(Senior)-Theres this guy evan( a Junior), he is so hot but he is a zooby!
(Other Senior)- i know a zooby named evan too!!
by JadeTheSeaHorse/SexySloth1000 October 27, 2011
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"Zoobi" is an Arabic word for "My Penis", it refers to a person penis. Normally this word would be used in arguments and conversations.
Kis Om8k Mr.Brown, he said that he has a tiny Zoobi.
by Coco the asian hoe March 25, 2019
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